Pieces To Peace Psychotherapy

Pieces To Peace Psychotherapy

Mental Health Psychotherapist
1 Concorde Gate
Toronto, ON M3C 3N6


Mission statement:

Pieces to Peace is a therapy practice that aims to transform the mental health and well-being of Black women and Black girls (trans and non-binary inclusive). We shift the narrative from a need for resilience and strength that is always forcibly labeled on us, to a space of open vulnerability, sensibility, authenticity and genuinity.

In commitment to anti-oppressive and anti-racist practices, our passion for providing mental health services is intentional not only in upholding the importance of representation but in providing an experience that allows Black women and Black girls to truly feel cared for.

At Pieces to Peace, we value healing as a journey rather than a state of being, with all the sorrow, frustration, joy, love and calm that comes in creating a life of thriving. We hold space for discovering and rediscovering who you are, who you want to be and who you can be. We hold an ideal that recognizes that life is too short yet simultaneously too long to allow your yesterday to be your today, and your today to be your tomorrow.

Pieces to Peace is the fullest embodiment of its name, analyzing the different aspects of your life to uncover, instill and protect a sense of peace within your life. We deeply pride ourselves in walking alongside you on your journey as you discover your truest you.

We welcome you as you are, as you find and put together your pieces to peace.


Individual Therapy

Group Therapy
