Dr Yamam Abuzinadah, Phd, MA, RSW, RPC

Dr Yamam Abuzinadah, Phd, MA, RSW, RPC

Mental Health Clinical Social Worker
407 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1S9


Wellness coaching, counselling, psycho-education and advisory.

Dr Yamam has extensive experience as a counsellor and mental health educator in different areas she worked within different international organizations that supports family relationships, mental health recovery and rehabilitation, multicultural clients, and International Student’s challenges. She has a PhD in mental health, a master’s in social health and counselling. She is also a certified wellness coach, hypnotherapist, and a principle master instructor mental health first AU. She is also experienced in couple's counseling, multicultural mental health and women's mental health. Dr Yamam is currently a consultant and a mental health program developer (e-health) for the ministry of health.




Bookings المواعيد

Dr Yamam Abuzinadah PhD

Wellness Consultations Clinic

Wellness coaching, counselling, psycho-education and advisory

Dr Yamam has extensive experience as a counsellor and mental health educator in different areas she worked within different international organizations that supports family relationships, mental health recovery and rehabilitation, multicultural clients, and International Student’s challenges. She has a PhD in mental health, a master’s in social health and counselling. She is also a certified wellness coach, hypnotherapist, and a principle master instructor mental health first AU. She is also experienced in couple's counseling, multicultural mental health and women's mental health. Dr Yamam is currently a consultant and a mental health program developer (e-health) for the ministry of health.

Services (English & Arabic)

For Individuals, Family and Couples:


Family and Couples Sessions

Wellness Coaching

Mental health Education

Multicultural Counselling

Refugees Clinic

​For Organizations:

Wellness consultation will provide you with an obligation free consultation to provide you or link you to the best professional training in these ares:

​Mental Health First Aid: (delivered in English & Arabic)

MHFA Standred Module

Tertiary Student blended Module

Suicidal Person Module

Youth Moudle

REACH Program (Depression Psycho-Educational Wellbeing) Black Dog Institute (Depression Program)

FICT Program (Families in Cultural Transition) STARTTS (NSW rehabilitation of torture & trauma survivors program)

Emotional Intelligence

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Carers of people with mental health training

Self care and meditation

Meditation and yoga reterets

International students mental health training

Stress mangemant
