The PsychoEd Clinic

Mental Health Clinical or Counselling Psychologist
2149 Yonge Street, Suite 202
Toronto, ON M4S 2A7


We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals, including psychologists, physicians, and child psychiatrists, who provide quality psychoeducational assessments. We also develop innovative technology to make assessments more readily accessible to institutions, families, and individuals.

A Psychoeducational Assessment can be vital to a student's journey to success; however, many students who need this assessment are faced with long waitlists. Given how important these assessments can be to student success, they should be more widely available and accessible to all individuals who would benefit from them.

An assessment can change the trajectory of a student's path by providing recommendations for accommodations to assist the student at their school, college or university, as well as, suggestions for educational programming, identification, and placement.
