Birrell Therapy

Birrell Therapy

Mental Health Psychotherapist
357 Jane Street
Toronto, ON M6S 3Z3


Trevor Birrell is a qualifying registered psychodynamic psychotherapist with an interest in the expressive arts. Trevor brings years of individual and family counselling in an educational setting to his work at Talk Touch Move. Trevor works from anti-oppression framework that is both 2SLGBTQ+ and sex positive.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is treatment for the mind in motion. We will use our relationship to uncover unconscious material that could be inhibiting your present internal and relational experiences. I will use supportive (building your ego) and uncovering (making conscious the unconscious) techniques that may stir positive and negative memories and feelings. The goal of our work is to understand the impact of the unconscious on our conscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviour, (from Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: a clinical manual by Cabaniss et al., 2013)


Monday: 3:00-8:00 pm
Tuesday: 3:00-5:00 pm
Wednesday: 3:00-8:00 pm

*More hours coming in July 2021
