Ashley Eden Wellness Coaching

Ashley Eden Wellness Coaching

Dietitians & Nutritionists Nutritionists
P.O Box 72
Barrie, ON L4M0C8


Heal your body with food! We help clients create BALANCE in their lives by taking a holistic approach to wellness. Specializing in the 4 Pillars Of Health (Exercise, Nutrition, Mindfulness and Sleep).

One stop shop for total body wellness:

Wellness Analysis

Four pillars coaching (Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep, Mindfulness)

CORE Strength Exercise Plans

Personalized Fitness Programs

Nutrition and Supplement Strategies

Specializing in Pre and Post Natal Nutrition, Inflammatory Conditions, Gut Healing Strategies, Blood Sugar Management, Elimination Diets and many other conditions.

At Ashley Eden Wellness Coaching, we strive to satisfy all our clients’ needs by providing them with comprehensive and high-quality services. Each individual has unique needs, which means they each require a specific combination of activities or treatments to help them find wellness. Please visit our services page for detailed info and pricing for each service offered.


Based on appointment
