Anxiety Skills Coaching

Mental Health
Victoria, BC V8T 2T8


Hello! I am a dedicated professional Mental Health Coach compelled to helping people live fuller, more engaged lives. I support clients in turning towards the life that is most meaningful to them even when there is anxiety, stress and difficult challenges.

I am an ICF certified Mental Health Coach specializing in Anxiety with 15 years experience. I offer personalized short term (average 4 sessions) coaching using evidenced based strategies for anxiety management and stress reduction, regulating strong and uncomfortable emotions, life challenges, and effective communication. Using evidence based solutions and tools, I will help you create more calm, reduce anxiety and the restrictions of it, change reactive patterns, create more flexibility in your choices and behaviors, provide you with skills to reduce the impact of negative thoughts and learn how to lower anxiety with sustained practice of strategies. I support clients in successfully turning towards the choices that are most meaningful to them even when there is anxiety, stress and difficult challenges.

Career Highlights

Certified ICF Coach 14 years

Mental Health Coach for Lyra Health

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training, University of Massachusetts Medical Centre

Proven coaching ability - client results are statistically significant on the Generalized Anxiety Scale GAD7, Perceived Stress Survey and Mental Health Survey

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology


Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm
Evening appointments can be arranged.
