Katrina Murphy Coaching, CTC, hBSc-Psych

Katrina Murphy Coaching, CTC, hBSc-Psych

Mental Health
591 Maniece Avenue
Peterborough, ON K9L 0C1


Anyone and I mean anyone, regardless of who they are or what they have achieved to date, can lose their sense of direction and purpose, impacting both their mindset and self-confidence!

When this happens, it has a domino effect on the rest of your life, affecting relationships, performance and how you show up every single day. It can prevent you from stepping up and taking opportunities, making courageous decisions, embracing a healthy work/life balance, and believing in your own ability to create success in any area of your life!

Anxiety, stress, overwhelm, unhappiness, and relationship disconnect are all too common for many of us and we can get caught up believing that our problems can’t change. We feel a sense of disconnect, like we're stuck, or in a cycle of negativity and we don't trust ourselves to know what to change or how.

I specialize in mindset and self-acceptance and believe in a deeply personal, relationship-based experience that builds on the uniqueness of each person. We want to feel confident, empowered to create something new in our lives and have a sense of freedom from negativity. Ultimately, we want what everyone does: Happiness.

By focusing on the relationship that you have with yourself and working to change what you think, you effectively change every other area of your life. Together we manage stress and anxiety, silence the noise, create balance, reconnect in your relationships, challenge self-doubt and shift your mindset. All of these strategies result in a renewed confidence and sense of power over your life.

I will hold space for you to process difficult emotions and challenge what you believe about yourself. I will be non-judgemental and my focus will be on your best interests and personal growth, alone. It IS possible to have the support you need to create the change you desire.

You are one decision away from a completely different understanding of who you are.


By appointment only.
