
Davina Ma Counselling Claimed

Davina Ma Counselling in Vancouver, British Columbia

Services are provided to residents of British Columbia and Ontario

Counselling from a feminist & anti-oppressive approach for BIPOC & other marginalized identities.

Individual counselling provided to residents of British Columbia and Ontario by a Registered Clinical Social Worker (RCSW) with experience in providing mental health care in both the non-profit and public health sectors.

My priority in working with all of my clients is to establish trust and rapport. This is the essential foundation upon which we build. I value genuine connections and transparent communication. My approach is gentle, non-judgmental, yet honest, and I will always be guided by my client`s needs and wishes. I strongly believe that as a client, you are the expert in your own journey, and that I am on the sidelines to provide support, encouragement, and hope.

I seek to identify and validate the unique strengths that each of my clients exhibit, as I get to know them over time. I believe that so much can be accomplished by supporting clients in accessing their own strengths, wisdom, and resources. In addition, I view the challenges that people experience as more than an individual responsibility to address. I view life experiences as existing within in a broader context of factors, including systemic oppression. I also believe in a holistic model of providing care and acknowledge that counselling can be just one of many ways of maintaining one`s well-being.

Most importantly, I consider it a great honour and privilege to be given permission to walk alongside my clients in their journeys and bear witness to their stories.

Some issues I have supported my clients with:
– Depression
– Anxiety
– Stress
– Life transitions
– Relationships (peers, family, intimate partner)
– Coping skills
– Goal setting
– Self-compassion
– Decision-making
– Grief and loss
– Other mental health issues
– Loved ones with mental health issues.

I offer a FREE 20 minute phone consultation for us to get to know one another and see if it will be a good fit. If you would like to book or have any questions, I welcome you to connect with me at Under usual circumstances, I will respond within 2 business days. Please check your spam folder.

Now offering hormone care planning (hormone readiness assessments) to clients seeking gender-affirming hormone therapy. Please see my website for more details. 
