Premium Listing With Online Booking System

With all Premium Listings, you will have access to our online booking system. Clients can book appointments with you whether you have a website or not. If you already have a booking software, our system easily integrates with popular booking systems like Calendly and others.

The advantage of a premium listing is that...

  • Your business is available 24/7.
  • Your business will be on the top of the search results.
  • Increased opportunity for new sales (clients).
  • You get valuable insights about your business.
  • You can post a blog on our website. (We share on social media)
During our current promotion, the annual fee for a premium listing is only $50 (+ HST) per year for a feature that will be a game changer, but most of all, it will open new doors for your business.

Once you make the payment, you will receive an email with further instructions within 24 hours. We are always available should you require assistance.